NO!!! black hair to be honest truly wasn't meant to be relaxed, nor should you have to suffer from breakage like that.i'm happy for your decision to stop getting a relaxer but flat ironing it everyday is making it worse, and you don't want your coils to suffer trust me from all the heat damage.i would recommend you do deep conditioning treatments and hot oil treatments every other week and keep it in a protective style like braids , try kinky twists(not to tight) or a sew in, or even a wig for that matter.anything to keep you from adding heat damage.i would recommend you to also go to youtube and look up natural hair journeys and how to take care of hair in transitioning to natural.and trust me you'll love it i went natural this year and discovered a new found love for my hair it was the best thing i ever did for it.because i used to do the same i dyed it ,permed it, and to top it off flat ironed it every week if not every other day and my hair suffered big time.and i was like you tired of the breakage and decided to give natural hair a try and i loved it.For black women, about hair?
I've been wearing my hair natural just about all of my life (I'm 30) and I finally relaxed it in November. I bought some really expensive hair care products as well and it just broke off. I used Mizani relaxer, which I later found out is really, really, bad!!! Fortunately, my hair is still thick and halfway down my back. I'd say no to the relaxer for a while. Just get a few protein treatments and flat iron it for a while. That's what I'm doing...again. If/Whenever you decide to get a relaxer again, go to a professional. Don't pile on all those expensive hair care products on your hair. Don't use anything with petroleum or silicone. Silicone actually seals the hair and prevents it from getting any moisture, therefore causing it to break off. Try natural oils instead. Just read the labels on the products that you're buying and do a little research online about what chemiclas to keep out of our type of hair. :-)
if you are going to let the perm grow out anyway then u should look into the reverse relaxer deal or perm stripper i think they call it. if when your not going out or really trying to look fashionable then you should keep it braided, like naturally, not with weave. i did this in costa rica for six months and when i got back my hair was super strong and healthy (even though i was still getting perms)
its better not to perm hair at all but once you start your kinda stuck because if you let it start to grow natural the hair will be 2 different textures so it will break where those textures met. i recommend you keep perming it just take care of it
this helps
Your hair is going to break off more because it's use to getting perms your edges are going to get thin then the middle of your hair it will be the same length just a lot thinner.
I would know the same thing happened to me last year
i've heard from hair dressers that once you start a perm you have to continue w/ it...or your hair will break off even more,,, or they do some type of thing to it to make it natural again
no, i'm in the same boat as yo mammii..
i haven''t had a perm since july..
don't perm it.
all you have to do is get your hair straightened once a month..
once i stopped getting a perm, my hair has grown alot
I don't think you should. Maybe this is why your hair breaks easily. I think if you like it when you just flat iron it then stay that way. It probably looks a lot cute anyways. (:
guuuuuuuuuuurrrrlllll, You should like perm it. My girlfriend Boniqua shaniqua latiffa chiquita game the word. You should get your hair did.
If it seems to be stronger without the relaxer I would say continue to flat iron your hair. Black people have so many different textures of hair. Yours might not even really need a relaxer.
no leave your hair natural curly and nappy.. but it is okay to flat iron it i do but just dont do it everytime or it might break a little! BLACK AND PROUD!
u can perm it if u think it wont break anymore..
it all depends on what u want tho.
you shouldn't perm it a lot. only like once a month because that's how your hair gets damaged
I don't think so perms can damage hair with all of those chemicals
I dyed mine blonde.
def. not it will break your hair more
let it grow naturally.
it wont break so much