
How can I make my hair grow long fast for black women only DON'T answer if you don't know please help?

I would like back length hair also if you have read the book by Kelli Hu for black women only please tell me the secret i have been dying to know i have tryed ordering but the book never came please help me and tell me what the secret is please help if you know a site that tells you what the secret is then tell me the site name thank you guys who actually took the time to read thisHow can I make my hair grow long fast for black women only DON'T answer if you don't know please help?
Here's a product that worked very well for me. My hair started off as short, brittle and dry but this gave me the length, thickness and sheen I want.

It's called Lisa's Hair Elixir by Carol's Daughter.


Smells great too! Your hair will grow like wild!How can I make my hair grow long fast for black women only DON'T answer if you don't know please help?
The secret is to stop doing things that will cause your hair to break off. Then it will grow. For details read the article ';Six Tips For Black Hair Growth'; at http://www.black-hair-growth.info/six-ti
There isn't a huge secret. It depends on your hair type however the best way for your hair to grow is to avoid heat and overprocessing. Also, I know some women who swear by pre natal vitamins. I have a coworker who took them and her hair was pass her shoulders in four months. I would strongly suggest visiting this site for other tips. http://forum.blackhairmedia.com/default.
Use natural products like Olive Oil,QP,Doo Gro,or conditoioners like Chlorestorol and French Maid at sally's for like 4.00 stay away from Mineral Oils,and Protoleum they clog up your pores keep your split ends clip and you see results

Good Luck
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

ok i take vitamin E i take walgreens brand gold seal soft gel capecls and i use

http://www.wildgrowth.com/ it's on oil that really works really trust me in om the web site my name is P B and i have been using it for a while now and i just got my touch up(relaxer) last sunday and i have alittle spot wear it's growing already !!!

hopes this helps you can buy the oil at sally's beauty and or on the wild growth hair oil site itself
Go to this link. It's hair formula 37, it's a shampoo you can use to stimulate your hair folicles and promote hair growth.

Also you can take Folic Acid, that can also help with hair growth. I also hear that prenatal vitamins can make your hair grow faster.

Not using alot of hair grease is good. Washing and wrapping my hair has worked tremendously. I don't use heat on my hair. The only heat that I use is the heat from my hair dryer that I sit under. DO NOT USE THE HANDHELD ONE!!! When your hair has dried, part your hair and use a light hair grease. Part your hair in three parts and part down the part. Try using Dr. Miracle and Motions hair products. Always use a conditioner, leave in is better.
The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. And these simple home remedies which will help your hair to grow can be made at home and work out less expensive than other alternative forms of medicines. So try

http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c for more details.

