
Hair Care for Black Women....?

I'm confused. I get my hair done at a salon and i get it relaxed and everyone's telling me it's bad to get it permed, but if you don't get it permed what do you do with it? And if you do get it permed you can't wash it once a week like you're supposed to cause then it'll be messed up again! Ahhhhhh can any1 help??Hair Care for Black Women....?
Ummm....if you don't wear it relaxed then you wear it natural, meaning no chemicals. Or, I guess you can get another chemical process like a curly perm (jeri curl). Contrary to popular myth there are hairstyles for natural hair, and everyone's natural hair does not look the same. Most blacks have tightly curled, or coily, hair like Jill Scott and Angie Stone. Others will have hair that makes a z-pattern and doesn't curl. Some people will have a looser curl pattern - my hair was curly/wavy before I started chemically processing my hair.

Relaxers can be extremely damaging to your hair. It has harsh chemicals that eat through your hair and scalp - do you think that burning sensation is a good sign? It also dries out your hair and scalp and makes it more prone to breakage. Most blacks relax their hair, and many get it relaxed at such a young age that they never know what their natural hair looks like and the only thing they know are relaxers. Take a look around you and count how many black women you see that have mid-back or waist-length hair, without weave. Not many, and they have the relaxers to thank. Relaxers cause constant breakage in more ways than one and it causes the hair to be more fragile. Relaxers also thin out the hair over time; natural hair is much thicker and stronger than relaxed hair. Many people notice that they're able to grow their natural hair much longer than their relaxed hair.

I wear my hair loose. Some wear locs, or sister locs. Some wear their curly hair short, like Robin Roberts from Good Morning America. Others prefer to have it long. Both the Obama daughter's wear their hair natural, and they might get it flat ironed from time-to-time. Malia Obama sometimes wears her hair in lots of cute twists.

Go to youtute and http://www.fotki.com and search for Natural Hair so you can see the many different styles and textures of natural hair.


http://www.nappturality.comHair Care for Black Women....?
After many years of relaxing my hair by licensed beautican I ended up in the emergency with the middle of my scalp litfted up that happen a couple years ago the hair never grew back in that spot I decided to loc my hair it's been about 41/2 yrs now my hair is at the bottom of my lower back Society has it that the only way to wear your hair is relaxed not truth I love my locs my hair grew more natural than relaxed I use to wrap the hair and just comb it down keep the scalp oil
screw what ppl say, hell.... washing it too much is bad, not washing enuff is bad.... do what you want to it! just dont perm too often so it wont break to far up and have to be cut extra short, and break..... some people......... those are just passed down from mothers, and mothers mothers, rock it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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